Call 772-610-3700
Edward Klein
Registered Piano

registered technician

Piano Tuning

Tuning in private homes comprises the majority of my work. I usually use a hybrid technique incorporating the latest electronic tuning equipment with the traditional method of tuning by ear. I have used this technique with great success tuning for major orchestras and famous performers. Please give me a call or complete a contact form, and we can arrange a time that suits you.

Most manufacturers recommend tuning at least twice a year. If your piano has gone without tuning for more than two years, it may have dropped in tension and pitch. If that is the case, please send a request for a quote, or call on the phone, and I will explain your options.

I am available for concert and studio tuning, as well. I have years of experience in the most demanding situations, and I have received numerous compliments on the quality of my work from performing artists.